Thursday 2 December 2010

SNOW !!!!!!!!!!!

It's full of snow here! I can't remember it snowing this early in winter: normally it starts snowing (if it ever snows) around New Year, or even later. Even White Chrismasses are uncommon.

But it's nice, I have no big travels to do right now so I'm cosy and warm at home. Just picking up the kids later will take some extra time. But that's only about 4 km. I could even walk (But the kids won't really like that.).

I hear on the news that the whole of Europe is in a colf front. Brittain got it badly. People freeze in Poland. That's bad.

In Belgium, there's a big political discussion about the refugees that are living on the streets of Brussels, and where the government is failing to give them shelter. And that's outrageous. While they are saying all over the news that "It might take another 14 days to provide shelter and hire the people for this" Thos people have to sleep on the streets in -10°C.

They have little kids with them, goddammit.


  1. Dayum, no shelter for the homeless with snow like that?! That's ridiculous.

  2. Yea that is pretty insane to have no shelter for the homeless. Kinda makes you think what their doing with the tax dollars eh?

  3. Winter seems to be knocking on doors all over Europe

  4. People should be ashamed for letting children be on the streets like that. That's pathetic.

  5. The strange thing is that this becomes an issue every single year. Are our leaders immune to learning?

  6. i hope it doesn't snow for the rest of the winter, i hate that stuff.

  7. hay nice blog man keep it up. just stopping by to say i am restarting my blog and would like it if you stop by and comment i love going to your blog everyday.

  8. Snows good for skiing and snowmobiling, and it looks good on christmas day; otherwise i have no need for it

  9. Nice avatars you keep swapping, they make me smile :)
